Sunday, May 16, 2010


From the time that girls are young to when they grow older,perfection is always to point we try to reach. We try to have the perfect appearance day in and day out. We always want to look presentable.
   While I wont argue with that, I can say that the pressures of this is getting way out of hand. From the media,as we all know, we get images that are pressumed to be 'perfect'. Certain hairstyle,clothing,even body type. The tabloids show us what they ' most beautiful woman' look like. This effects mostly the teen girls. They go to extreme measures to look a certain way. These measures are becoming dangerous.
    While I can agree that those woman are beautiful, girls at such a young age should be more concerned with develpoing their self-concept. Getting to know who they are and creating their own images and styles. So that they can show the world that even though they do not look like those woman, they are still beautiful!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Pressures of Teenage LIfe

Whether you've been a teen or are one right now we all know the pressure of this stage in life. In psychology they say that this stage in our life is when we are looking for belonging so that we can figure out who we are. This is the time in your life that your not a child but not yet an adult, it's  pretty awkward age, your just stuck in the middle.
     In your teenage years thats when you are in highschool, this is a time where in my opinion life begins. You take your ACT/SAT's which can potientially determine the college/university you may attend. This is, in my opinion, one of the most stressful times in life. Between classes, studying, exams, state test and extracirricular activities how are we suppose to have any time to breathe!
  But wait! It gets better! Theres parents! Im fortunate enough to have a great mom and dads not too bad but that is not everyones case. Most teens have to deal with their parents craziness. Then, dare I say it,siblings. That adds stress on top of everything else, especially if they are not in your age group, its difficult to deal with all together.